Another short story for my 2 year old daughter - how her day passes...

I started a series of short stories that I tell for our daughter before she goes to sleep.
She has started play-school since November 2011. So, one story that we tell her is how her day passes...
1. Mother wakes her up at 7.30AM, brushes her teeth and makes her drink milk.
2. Father gives her a bath, and hands her over to mother to put her into her school uniform.
3. Mother give her breakfast
4. Father drops her in school at 9AM by car.
5. Mother goes to school at 12PM by walk, picks her up and comes back either walking or by an auto.
6. Grandmother gives her lunch and puts her to her noon nap.
7. Father picks her up from Grandmother's house and brings her back to her house
8. She plays, eats dinner and goes to sleep!

Other Kids stories in this blog


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