Car Loan hypothecation cancellation/removal in Bangalore, India
Submitted my car RC book for cancellation or removal of hypothecation at Indira Nagar RTO in Bangalore. (I had completed my car loan repayment in July). 1. Received NOC from financier, and 2 copies of Form 35. 2. Went to Room 13 with a copy of current car insurance and the NOC, the 2 Form 35 copies, the original RC book and a self-addressed envelope (with a Rs 12 stamp). 3. One officer (counter 9) verified the documents and sent it to another counter for data entry. 4. After data entry, I was asked to go to the Cash counter (Room 1) to pay Rs 300 as fees (Rs 100 for cancellation of hypothecation and Rs 200 for converting my paper RC to smart card). 5. Went back to counter 9 in room 13, the same officer verified everything and sent me to counter 6. 6. At counter 6 (Inward & Despatch), another officer verified everything, filed everything and gave me an acknowledgement that they have collected my original RC for cancellation of hypothecation and convert ...